Fundación Diagrama

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Research Projects from Fundación Diagrama

Renyo - Re-engaging young offenders with education and learning
Latest Updates from the RENYO Project

The aim of the project “RENYO - Re-engaging young offenders with education and learning” is to enhance educators’ capability to re-engage young offenders with education and learning whilst in secure custodial settings in 4 partner countries in the EU (United Kingdom, Italy, Germany, Spain).

This involves training education staff in secure custodial settings to use ‘authentic inquiry’ as an intervention to enrich educators’ repertoires in learning design. Authentic Inquiry is an intervention method which aims to create personally relevant knowledge, which is useful in education.


RENYO Partners

On the 21st and 22nd of January, the partners of the RENYO project got together in Dresden (Germany) to review the activities that have been carried out and to plan the next stages of the project. Particularly, partners dedicated the majority of the meeting to its 2nd stage, which includes the training of professionals in Authentic Inquiry, as well as the development of tools to facilitate its implementation. Additionally, other project activities such as the Learning Journey Platform, the project’s piloting and its dissemination were addressed.

As part of their meeting, the partners also had the opportunity to visit the Seehaus Leipzig facility, a resource for young people completing a detention measure who live with a family in groups of 7-9 young people.



RENYO Partners

After their meeting, on the 23rd of January partners attended a conference titled “Alternative Perspectives on Education of Youngsters in Prison”, which was organised by the University of Applied Sciences of Dresden.


During the conference, partners got into work groups and addressed topics on learning in secure custodial settings, with the collaboration of academic and professional experts. Furthermore, professionals in justice and research gave presentations addressing the topics from their work perspective.



As part of the project’s development, training activities are being carried out for professionals who work with young people in conflict with the law in the participating countries. These professionals are being trained in order for them to be able to apply the Authentic Inquiry methodology with the young people.

Learning Journey Platform

The project has a web platform which seeks to help students evaluate and improve the different elements that make up their learning process. The platform is currently being worked on to make it available in Spanish, Italian and German in addition to English.


RENYO Partners


To know more about RENYO

The RENYO project has an official website:


And a Facebook page:


Why not visit them and give us a like!


University of Gloucestershire



University of Gloucestershire

United Kingdom

Fachhochschule Dresden

Fachhochschule Dresden – University of Applied Sciences (FHD)


Fundacion Diagrama Intervencion Psicosocial

Fundación Diagrama Intervención Psicosocial


Jearni Ltd

Jearni Ltd

United Kingdom





The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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