With the objective of uniting commitment to social care with an outstanding quality of service, Fundación Diagrama operates a Quality Management System, founded upon the following principles:
- Fundación Diagrama’s board of directors ensures the implementation and execution of its Quality Management System.
- People are at the heart of what we do. The Quality Management System is based on meeting the needs and expectations of the people in our care, as well as those of the public administrations, and the personal and professional development of all Diagrama’s employees.
- General analysis as a framework that informs services management. Fundación Diagrama studies the internal and external factors which affect its operations and uses them as a starting point for forming strategies. Our work aims to contribute to a fairer, more equal society, in which everyone is entitled to personal development in a sustainable environment, from a social, economic and environmental point of view.
- Continuous improvement, professionalism and transparency. Carrying out our work with the utmost effectiveness requires constant effort towards the continuous improvement of our process; the professionalism of our employees, reinforced by regular training programmes; and transparency, through efficient management which informs society about how resources are used and the social impact they have. The objective results obtained will be the foundation for our decision-making towards further improvement.
- Communication and partnerships. In order to provide better care, we are committed to cooperation and the exchange of knowledge with other organisations in the tertiary sector, through alliances and networks, as well as communication policies which allow the public to learn about the work we do. This mutually beneficial relationship is also replicated with our providers.
Based on these principles, Fundación Diagrama upholds the following objectives related to quality of service:
- To establish and maintain an efficient, effective system of continuous improvement, in line with Fundación Diagrama’s strategic objectives, in the context of management as well as various other sectors in which we operate.
- To construct this system efficiently, using the Quality Management System, ensuring careful adherence to the relevant legislation.
- To impart the vision, mission statement, and company values upon the entire team at Fundación Diagrama, as well as the ethical and Quality Management System commitments.
Fundación Diagrama currently holds the following Quality Certificates:
ISO 9001:2015 Standard

UNE 158101:2015 Standard

This regulation certifies the management of Services for the Promotion of Personal Autonomy for residential centres, specifically the provision of personal, residential and health services (doctors, rehabilitation, nursing, occupational therapy) for adults, both independent and assisted. In this regard, the regulation includes the management of facilities, the provision of services and quality management. This applies to all residential centres for dependent adults, and likewise to the day-care institutions integrated into the residencies.