Access to employment is vital to the integration process of people in vulnerable situations or at risk of social exclusion, since work is fundamental to the development of a respectable, autonomous, independent way of life. In this area, Fundación Diagrama works within the social and occupational fields, striving for the professional improvement of individuals, as well as the fulfilment of their personal, familial and social needs.
The foundation carries out Socio-Occupational Integration Programmes aimed at people at risk of social exclusion, focusing especially on young people who have difficulty finding jobs and integrating themselves socially, many of them involved with the juvenile justice or child protection systems.
These programmes aim to promote the social and occupational integration of their beneficiaries using personalised itineraries that include intervention, advice and accompaniment during their process of integration. Guidance programmes, personal skills development, occupational and professional training, pre-professional training, employment support and training internships in companies are included within these programmes.
With a view to facilitating this process, Fundación Diagrama created the Nodus Network, a meeting point for citizens, companies and public and private institutions with a commitment to the comprehensive development of those people at risk of exclusion, especially young people who need support, guidance and employment.
Thanks to the work of Fundación Diagrama and the Nodus Network in this field, more than 500 workplace internships take place every year in external organisations, and more than 700 people are employed.