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Expected results include:

  • 1 Training Course, "Digital Facilitator of Change", created. It comprises 3 Micro-credential units prepared for mainstreaming its use throughout the Social Care Sector and impacting on wider communities with long term benefits, being available for other interested organisations. The course is based on communication and wellbeing and combines elements of digital skills, communication management, psychology, sociology, marketing, and customer care. It creates a new Professional Identity for workers in the Social Care Sector, equipping them to become digital and practical facilitators of change for the most highly disadvantaged social groups.
  • 1 European Digital Communication Toolkit created. The course participants work together to create a Toolkit for the mainstreaming and adaptation of its contents to other settings. The Digital Communication Toolkit comprises a catalogue of skills needed and a step-by-step guide to identifying necessary programmes to run, as well as implementing, managing, and assessing the communication systems that can help maintain external links to closed communities.
  • 42 care/social workers trained as Digital Facilitators of Change and Euro-Pass Certificates. Impact includes qualified, confident, empowered workers creating a happier, healthier work environment.
  • 20 local creative workshops held, resulting in high quality arts and crafts used and exhibited to promote users' Professional Identity.
  • 20 disadvantaged creative users progressing towards work; impact includes high levels of self-esteem, empowerment and vision of new horizons, higher potential to find/sell work.
  • 4 Transnational Steering Group meetings and 4 mini seminars held, promoting societal change, and driving diversity awareness and digital readiness initiatives.
  • 1 Network created to promote Social Inclusion through Digital Skills with the potential to share good practices.
  • 1 Evaluation Report produced, led by Salerno University.
  • 1 Project Manual produced containing all of the project information, including case studies of staff participants trained through the project and case studies of clients empowered and their progress towards the world of work.